was born on Thursday, November 22, 2007...Thanksgiving day...at 12:00 am. She weighed 7 lbs. and measured 19 1/4 in. long! We are so happy to finally have her here.

remember these...i had at least one hanger like this when i was little...wonder if i still have it somewhere??? so cute though!
my mom sent me this video...it is so nice to see someone who is confident and stands up for what they truely believe in running for president!
And this bedding....oooh...ahhh...to bad its over $400!
...girl parts...
...her little face...
...her *BiG FoOt* to the right...
Ill keep everyone updated on the progression...I am 20 weeks right now...her estimated weight is 13 oz. Thank you everyone for your support!