I recently visited this blog and saw this great tutorial for an earring hanger...HERE is the original tutorial, bt I will show you some different tecniques and tricks that I found helpful!
First thing I did was start out with a frame. I purchased it from JoAnn's for $5...50% off! I guess that is a decent price for a frame. It's a pretty nice one anyways. I suppose that you could find an unfinished one from Hobby Lobby which would make things a little easier. Whatever your preference is. This frame originally was a solid brown. I sanded the edges so that the natural wood showed through and lightly sanded the rest of it so that the paint would stick. I then used a damp cloth to get all the dust off.
Let the frame dry completely. I then painted the front of the frame with an acrylic paint. The first coat will not cover the frame very evenly, but let it dry and apply a second coat which will looks ten times better. Don't worry about it looking too pretty though cause your going to again give the frame another sanding. Sand lightly the frame roughing/distressing it to your liking!
Now turn the frame over and make a mark at 2", 5" and 8" on either side of the "picture" opening (these would be measurements for an 8x10 frame holding the frame vertically). At your marks insert your thumb tacks just slightly into the wood so that there is still room to wrap the wire around it. I decided to use framing wire instead of the jewelry wire because it was a bit thicker and braided so that it would be a bit straighter as you pulled it across (plus I found it on clearence for 99 cents...yay). You then want to hammer the tacks into the wood the rest of the way. Because this wire was a bit thicker than the jewelry wire I decided to reinforce it by using a piece of super sticky tape over the thumb tack so they wouldn't come out after some use.
Voila...you're DONE!!! Doesn't it look perty?!?!?
I just recently purchased a Silhouette SD so I am going crazy with the projects...stay tuned to see what I make :D