Saturday, November 28, 2009

{Catch up}

Busy today on the computer again...playing catch up with some of my LO's. Some new...some I started a while ago but never finished!

::EDITED 11.30.09 WITH MORE LO'S::

Friday, November 27, 2009

{38 Weeks}

Been a while since I have taken some pics of the sure has grown:

{Waiting and photo editing}

So baby Caleb still has not decided to join us...I am a bit disappointed only because with Mackenzie I was 38 weeks and 4 days...well, i'm 38 weeks and 5 days...still nothing :( I knew that I should not have gotten my hopes up, but most people say that each baby will be earlier...not so for me! It
s ok though because there is PLENTY for me to do to. Right now I am catching up on Mackenzie's Birthday photo's. I am done editing for the scrapping. I am totally in love with Totally Rad Actions. I have found some good "recipes" for them which I have used for these photos. You can find some good recipes HERE at Paislee Press Blog or HERE on Totally Rad Actions Site. Although their action are a bit expensive they can do WONDERS for your photos!!! So without further are some of Mackenzie's Birthday shots:

You can see all of them HERE on my Flickr photostream!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

{Made Something}

I was playing around and decided to make some Kute Krafty Kristmas Digi is a preview:

So what do you think???

Monday, November 16, 2009

{Mackenzie Turns Two}

I was just so happy to see Mackenzie so content with everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to her...the end is the best when she gets so excited that she lew the candle out all by herself :)

{Holiday's in Hand}

I am so excited to be taking Jessica Sprague's Holiday's in Hand's free BTW and today is the last day to sign up so go check it out!
Our first assignment asks us what our holiday values/goals are...what matters most to you and what you plan to instill into your children. Christmastime is my FAVORITE time of year mostly because of time that is spent with family as well as the REAL MEANING of Christmas...The birth of our Lord and Savior! I hope to instill into my children the REAL MEANING of Christmas and keeping them involved in church so that they might have a personal relationship with God. I myself have been struggling with getting to church on a regular basis. However, it is not ALL about going to church either. I still have a personal relationship with God and pray often. Church does help strengthen this relationship though. During this Holiday season I hope to grow more spiritually and get more involved with my church and activities.
Our second assignment asks us to make a commitment and take 20 minutes of recording/writing/photographing/savoring/printing/gluing/scrapbooking/remembering/slowing down EVERY DAY in December. I plan to take this time to do either a Bible study or jot down some notes on what I am thankful to God for that day!
Along with this class I am also doing Ali Edwards 25 Days of Christmas album. I plan to merge the two together so that at the end of the month I have a wonderful spiritually filled album top look at and be thankful for for this 2009 Holiday Season!!!
I urge you all to do the least take some time for yourselves to think about what the Holiday Season means to you...If you want to feel free to post a comment and let me know what you plan to do if anything, for this Holiday Season. I would love to hear from you all. Thank you for joining me in my Spiritual Journey this Holiday Season :)

On that are a few photo's from this season last year to get you in the mood!!! Look at how much Mackenzie has grown:

Monday, November 9, 2009

{Etsy Shop OPEN for Business}

Go Check it out...not much there yet, but hope to filling it with some YUMMY things soon!