Friday, November 27, 2009

{Waiting and photo editing}

So baby Caleb still has not decided to join us...I am a bit disappointed only because with Mackenzie I was 38 weeks and 4 days...well, i'm 38 weeks and 5 days...still nothing :( I knew that I should not have gotten my hopes up, but most people say that each baby will be earlier...not so for me! It
s ok though because there is PLENTY for me to do to. Right now I am catching up on Mackenzie's Birthday photo's. I am done editing for the scrapping. I am totally in love with Totally Rad Actions. I have found some good "recipes" for them which I have used for these photos. You can find some good recipes HERE at Paislee Press Blog or HERE on Totally Rad Actions Site. Although their action are a bit expensive they can do WONDERS for your photos!!! So without further are some of Mackenzie's Birthday shots:

You can see all of them HERE on my Flickr photostream!

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