Wednesday, January 26, 2011

{Simple Skirt Tutorial}

Ok everyone...I must warn you up front that this is my first tutorial ever so I apologize if it is unclear in any way. Please leave a comment if you have any questions. Here goes nothing!!!

1. You want to first measure your child's waist and from that measurement subtract 2 and this is going to be what you cut the length of your elastic to. (ie. mine measured 21 so I cut the elastic to 19 inches)

2. I then cut my fabric according to the length of the skirt I desired. I figured 15 inches would be good enough after it was hemmed and all. I left the fabric width the same just cut off the selvages. Normally you would want to cut your fabric twice the measurement of your child's waist (ie. 21 x 2 = 42 which is normally what the width of your fabric is anyways) If you are making this for an older child you probably will want to divide your skirt into two pieces instead of one continuous piece. Make sense???

3. Next you will want to serge your top and bottom edges...if you don't have a me...continue reading or if your machine has a stitch like it may have a stitch VERY similar to a serger's stitch.

4. Once your edges are ready you will want to hem the bottom edge of your fabric. I made a one inch hem. Because you serged your bottom edge you only have to hem once. If you don't have the serger you can always to the double hem to enclose your raw edge. When you are done ironing your hem top stitch along the serged edge. Looking good isn't it?!?!?

5. At this point you can embellish the bottom of your skit with some ric rac or ribbon to give it a little more character.

6. The next part is the best as you will see you project coming together. Take your piece of elastic you cut and pin it to the top serged edge of your skirt piece. I used about five pins to evenly distribute the skirt along the elastic. This is important that you evenly distribute the fabric along the elastic.

7. You now are going to sew the elastic to the top of your skirt. I used a 1/8" seam. Back stitch at the beginning and end. As you sew you will want to pull the fabric and elasetic in each section you pinned so that they are both flush with each other. This is what is going to give you your gathered look to the shirt without actually having to gather it! Take it slow each section at a time until you get to the end. We are almost there!!!

8. Last now want to put the raw edges of the skirt pieces together and sew together using a 1/2" seam. I serged that raw edge too just so that it won't fray. You can zig zag stitch the edge if you don't have a serger. When you are through press the seam to one side and VIOLA!!! You are wasn't the SUPER EASY?!?!?

What do you think? Please leave me some comments on either questions or comments on how you liked the tutorial...constructive criticism please :)
Thanks for reading!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

{Denim Britches}

I made Caleb some denim britches today (used THIS pattern). I must say I am not too happy with the way they turned out. I think that I will make another pair of them...maybe one without a cuff and definately a size bigger. They are a bit snug on Caleb...what do you think???

Friday, January 14, 2011

{Five Finds Friday}

Today I have been online window shopping and have found so many cute things that I just had to share:




I would take this one for Valentines Day!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

{Welcome to 2011}

Hello everyone...and welcome to 2011! I am back :) Gosh it has been FOREVER since I have posted anything. I am going to have to work on some updates to put on here, but for now I will keep it short and sweet and tell you that everyone is doing well and happy in this new year. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. I had a GREAT Christmas, but the new year on the other hand was not so great as I spent it ALL at fun :( I encourage everyone who reads this to leave me a comment and tell me something that you plan to do this year. My plan for the year is to get organized and work HARD on growing my business! Here are a few photos of my little ones to leave you and I will see you all soon...PROMISE!!!

Caleb's first haircut

Yummy First Birthday Cake

Blowing out the Candles