Hello everyone...and welcome to 2011! I am back :) Gosh it has been FOREVER since I have posted anything. I am going to have to work on some updates to put on here, but for now I will keep it short and sweet and tell you that everyone is doing well and happy in this new year. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. I had a GREAT Christmas, but the new year on the other hand was not so great as I spent it ALL at work...no fun :( I encourage everyone who reads this to leave me a comment and tell me something that you plan to do this year. My plan for the year is to get organized and work HARD on growing my business! Here are a few photos of my little ones to leave you and I will see you all soon...PROMISE!!!
Caleb's first haircut

Yummy First Birthday Cake

Blowing out the Candles

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