Sunday, December 28, 2008

{WST} Creative Team...

YAY...this was totally my dream come true! This was the second time that I applied for the {WST} CT call and I made it this time...woo hoo!!! I was running around the house with a HUGE smile on my face and clapping last night becuase I was so excited! Jason was excited too when he found out that I will not have to be spending as much money on digi stuff!!! I cannot explain how happy that this makes me! Thanks D


I am so excited...I just can't hide it! I can't let out the secret just yet, but I am so excited. Hopefully by tomorrow I can tell you...stay tuned!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Favorite Photo!!!!

I took this picture yesterday when we were opening prestnts and it is my absolute favorite of my babies!!! I could just stare at it all day long!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas... all and to all a Good Night!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

more pics...

Ok so I am totally addicted to the Totally Rad 'Troy' are some more examples. Let me know!!!

cool pics

I was playing around with my camera and took some abstract photos (is that what you would call them since they are not a typical 'face' portrait??? whatever)...anyways I fell in love with them. Used some sample Totally Rad actions on them. Let me know what you think!

I think that I am going to keep playing!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

i <3 flickr

was searching flickr today and here are some of my faves...that site is so can get some really great ideas!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Visit with Santa...

Today Mackenzie went to go see Santa. I was not quite sure how she was going to react to him. She saw him last year, but she was only three weeks old so this was totally new to her going to a perfect stranger...although it is Santa. He came up and greeted us then he took a seat and I sat Mackenzie down on his lap. She was so excited she smiled right away...the photographer caught Santa with his eyes off the camera though. It did not take long to get another great picture. She was so intrigued with Santa and just kept staring at him. I guess we will have to see if Mackenzie was naughty or nice and gets what she asked him for! Thanks Santa.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


In Houston TX...I can't believe it!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

These are just the cutest thing!

Originally uploaded by DanielleT

I so wan to make some of these now...too cute! Too many cute ideas...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Days of Christmas...

Started this on Dec. 1st, but could not get the pics up due to the internet being here they are now!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

internet down :(

Well Mackenzie BROKE my internet connection yesterday and I am so frusterated. I have the cutest pictures to share with everyone and no way to do so. Right now I am using my mom's computer so if I can get my picture on here I will share them...hope that everyone has a great day and God Bless...check out THIS cool site...I used to get these when I was younger and our family would have devotional everyday after dinner at the is such a great that I would love to share with Mackenzie as well!