Saturday, October 25, 2008

pumpkin patch

Today we went to a pumpkin patch...Dewberry Farm! Lately the weather here in Texas has been so nice, but today all of a sudden it got warm :( of course since we were out...its just my luck. Got a little pink. We had a good time though taking pictures in the pumpkin patch that was more patch than! Jason rigged us up a patch...what a great problem solver! Here are just a few pics that we got so far...

Monday, October 20, 2008

new template too to download...


newest work...

I have been working on a few layouts lately...hope that you like them...Mackenzie is getting so big. She can play peek a boo now, wave bye bye, hello...she has so much personality...and ATTITUDE!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

house pics...

Went by today again...we are going to close on the 30th as long as all goes according to plan...please pray for us!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008


that it has been so much has been happening in our lives. First of all we moved out of our apartment into my brother-in-law's house. This has been a mojor adjustment going from an apartment of your own to have the majority of your things in one room. The house is expected to be done by the end of the month...yea!!! And secondly, as I am sure most of you heard about the hurricane that hit us. Thankfully we did not get any damage, nor anyone else that I am close to. We were however without power for quite a while. This hurrican was such an eye opener to the things that we so often take for granted. Running water most importantly, electricity, and the company that you keep! I have heard so many people talk about getting to know their neighbors through the midst of all this, wheter it has been for the first time at all or even just getting to know them a little better. All I can do now is thank God for everything that He has given me and try hard to remember when life gets tough to remember everything that we have and appreciate it!